Week of Events
January BOD meeting
January BOD meeting
These are typically ZOOM Meetings which allow members from across the state to participate If you want to join us please email Commodore@rmsail.org to request to logon info.
SAIL BOD Zoom Meeting
SAIL BOD Zoom Meeting
Monthly Board Meeting for SAIL──────────Curtis Rist is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/88387743342?pwd=Zk5sTTNBblZsVkxFK1pMS3V5RGFEdz09Meeting ID: 883 8774 3342Passcode: 775237---One tap mobile+17193594580,,88387743342#,,,,*775237# US+16694449171,,88387743342#,,,,*775237# US---Dial by your location• +1 719 359 4580 US• +1 669 444 9171 US• +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)• +1 253 205 0468 US• +1 253 215 8782 US […]
SAIL BOD Zoom Meeting
SAIL BOD Zoom Meeting
Monthly Board Meeting for SAIL──────────Curtis Rist is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/88387743342?pwd=Zk5sTTNBblZsVkxFK1pMS3V5RGFEdz09Meeting ID: 883 8774 3342Passcode: 775237---One tap mobile+17193594580,,88387743342#,,,,*775237# US+16694449171,,88387743342#,,,,*775237# US---Dial by your location• +1 719 359 4580 US• +1 669 444 9171 US• +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)• +1 253 205 0468 US• +1 253 215 8782 US […]